";e[c]+=" i-ua_inlinesvg_"+((v[f]&&v[f].namespaceURI)==w?"yes":"no");})(document);
В этом видео
info about openSUSE Crypton00:27
about KDE01:41
application discover03:03
desktop overview03:55
network manager05:09
widgets overview09:43
look and feel11:49
desktop effects19:28
system settings27:45
development: kdevelop, qt5 assistant33:40
games: board, logic and card35:59
digikam, gwenview, karbon, krita, okular43:20
internet: akregator, cloud manager, firefox, kmail, knetattach, kmail, sieve editor50:10
multimedia: dragon player, k3b, kdenlive52:06
office: calligra, kexi, okular, plan55:31
ark, dolphin, konsole, ksysguard, update manager57:43
calligra words1:00:19
utilities: ark, kate, calc, kleopatra, knotes, kwrite, okteta, spectacle1:07:14
ALL KDE widgets demonstration